LAB - Autoclave Cleaning Manual for Borosilicate Glass Type I Vials

Created by Karen Darley, Modified on Fri, 03 May 2024 at 01:59 PM by Kathleen Patrick

1. Inspection

Before cleaning the vials, visually inspect them for any visible dirt, debris, or stains. Remove any visible contaminants from the vials by wiping them gently with a clean, lint-free cloth.

2. Preparation

Place the vials in a clean, designated basket or tray for autoclaving. Do not overload the basket or tray, as this can affect the efficiency of the cleaning process. Ensure that the vials are properly spaced and arranged to allow for adequate steam circulation.

3. Cleaning Solution

Prepare the cleaning solution according to the manufacturer's instructions. It is recommended to use a mild detergent solution, such as a non-ionic or enzymatic cleaner, for cleaning the vials. Avoid using abrasive cleaners or harsh chemicals that may scratch or damage the glass.

4. Autoclave Cycle

Select the appropriate autoclave cycle for the vials, based on the material and the level of contamination. The standard gravity cycle for borosilicate glass Type I vials is a temperature of 121°C (250°F) and a pressure of 15 psi (pounds per square inch) for a duration of 15-20 minutes. However, refer to the manufacturer's instructions or consult with a knowledgeable expert for specific cycle recommendations.

5. Loading the Autoclave

Load the basket or tray of vials into the autoclave, following the manufacturer's instructions for loading and securing the load. Ensure that the door is securely closed and locked before starting the autoclave cycle.

6. Post-Autoclave

After the cycle is complete, carefully remove the basket or tray of vials from the autoclave. Allow the vials to cool down to room temperature before handling them. Inspect the vials again for any visible dirt or debris and repeat the cleaning process if necessary.

7. Storage

Once the vials are cleaned and sterilized, store them in a designated area that is clean, dry, and free from any sources of contamination. Ensure that the vials are properly labelled and organised for easy identification.

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