DPX Mounting Medium

Created by Max Overton, Modified on Tue, 07 May 2024 at 12:17 PM by Kathleen Patrick

A mixture of distyrene (a polystyrene), a plasticiser (tricresyl phosphate), and xylene, called DPX, was introduced in 1939 and later modified by the substitution of a more satisfactory plasticiser, dibutylphthalate (butyl, phthalate, styrene - BPS)

This colourless, synthetic resin mounting media is now available at ProSciTech and has generally replaced xylene-balsam.

It preserves stains and dries quickly. Surplus mountant may be peeled off the preparation after cutting around the coverslip with a razor blade or a scalpel. It is not recommended for use with thick sections (e.g. cellulose nitrate) where there is a danger of retraction of the mountant upon drying. For these Canada Balsam (IA158) is a suitable alternative.

ENTELLAN® NEW (IM022) replaces DPX (Depex).

See Entellan® New properties & usage

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