Print-N-Shield™ Thermal Transfer Labels

Created by Kathleen Patrick, Modified on Tue, 21 May 2024 at 11:16 AM by Kathleen Patrick

Print & Shield self-laminating permanent or removable labels that allow for durable identification of equipment, dishware, animal cages, and any other item intended for use in dishwashers.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Do I need a ribbon to print on these labels?
Yes, Print-N-Shield™ labels are thermal transfer printable and require a ribbon to be printed. To achieve the proper printout, these labels require a RR-class ribbon of the same width or larger.
Are these self-laminating labels writable?
Yes, Print-N-Shield labels are also writable using permanent ink markers.
Are these labels suitable for cryogenic conditions?
No, Print-N-Shield labels will only withstand deep-freeze conditions (-80°C), they are not recommended for cryogenic environments. For cryogenic self-laminating thermal-transfer labels, we suggest our Cryo-WrapTAG™ labels.
Can these labels be used in sterilisation protocols?
No, SLTP-class labels withstand temperatures as high as +93°C. For laminated labels that will also withstand sterilisation protocols, see the full range of autoclavable labels.
Are these labels chemical-resistant?
Yes, after the clear lamination is applied, these labels can withstand exposure to harsh chemicals, such as detergents and disinfectants.
Are these labels resistant to abrasion?
Yes, the lamination provides protection against heavy-use, including scratches and abrasion.
Are SLTP-class labels Removable?
SLTP-class labels are coated with a permanent adhesive, that is not made for easy removal. SLTR-class are removable self-laminating labels.
Are these calibration label available in other colours?
No, our Print-N-Shield labels are not available in a variety of colours. Contact us for additional colour options.
How do I print these labels from a template?
Barcoding or label design software can be used to create templates that conform to the size of your label. You can then insert design elements within the template, for easy printing.
Can I have these labels preprinted by you with my desired information?
Yes, Print-N-Shield labels can be preprinted with full-colour graphics and logos, as well as variable or serialised information from a database. Contact us for more about custom printing options.

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